Welcome or Welcome Back to the West Side Little League!
REGISTRATION for our Spring 2025 season WILL OPEN ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st at 10am.
The fee must be paid by credit or debit card when your register. REGISTER RIGHT AWAY or else your child MAY NOT BE PLACED! We fill up early and, in the past, many children have been disappointed. In addition, if you register after MARCH 3rd, a late fee will be added.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your partner/spouse is volunteering to be a coach or assistant coach for your child’s team, please use that e-mail address to register.
The Spring 2025 season will start in late March or early April, depending on your child’s age group, and will end Sunday, June 8th or the 15th.
Your child's coach will contact you in mid- to late- March with team assignment and exact schedule. Please do not reach out to the League for this information.
Registration Fee:
$325 for registrations between February 1st, 2025 and March 3rd, 2025.
$395 for registrations after March 3rd.
Note: once a division is full, whether in February or March, registration will be closed, period.
The fee covers most of the cost of player and coach uniforms, team equipment, fields maintenance, umpires, administrative expenses, including League insurance costs and LL charter fees, and scholarships.
No child will be denied the opportunity to play because of an inability to pay. If a family is unable to shoulder the entire registration fee, scholarships are available for part or all of the registration fee. When possible, families are asked to pay a portion of the fee. If you are requesting a scholarship, please email the registrar at Info@WestSideBaseball.org BEFORE registering. The Registrar will get back to you with the scholarship code.
A full refund is given when a registered player withdraws for a valid medical reason with an accompanying doctor’s note.
All other requests for a refund will be denied except under special circumstances as determined by league officials. A $25 processing fee will apply to ALL non-medical refunds.
After uniforms have been distributed, no refunds will be given for any reason.
Please Contact the League Registrar with any questions on how to register. Looking forward to another fun Season!
The Board of the West Side Little League
